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Those who 'don't recall or weren't around during the times when Second Life was barraged by griefers on a near daily basis' tend to get freaked out by not knowing what to do.. It's totally fine to write about it Jo, Caledon gets hit like that with regularity.. YouTube trolls are another variety, for a discussion in another post ) Don't like Second Life griefers and wish they'd go away? Don't discuss them publicly, keep the conversation to IM and other backchannels, and liberally use the ban/block/report tools at your disposal.. This was not just another griefer attack, this was something special, something everyone was already talking about, it was huge.. (Who'd triumphantly discuss the coverage on their own message boards ) When most of the media attention went away, so did most of the griefers.. During Second Life's hype wave between 2006-2008, when media coverage was incessant -- and much of that coverage mentioned griefers.. The original blogger is hardly inexperienced in handling issues like this I'm the blogger who wrote the article and I don't regret it.. (I'm not counting the in-world trolls who hang out in populated places like the Welcome Area, because the reaction they crave is what they get right there.. The attention is their reward The Patriotic Nigras are a group of griefers in the online world of Second Life.. This is what happens every time A) People notice and immediately send in abuse reports.. Purpose, Internet activism Internet trolling Internet vigilantism Region served.. (Hence the classic rule of Internet social interaction: 'Don't feed the troll ' ) To be clear, I'm not criticizing the blogger who did post about the griefing attack, because it's likely they don't recall or weren't around during the times when Second Life was barraged by griefers on a near daily basis.. Please share this post Harsh and uncharacteristically small-minded of you The original post offers excellent advice on what to do without sensationalizing the incident itself.. SLers have been passing around a blog post about a recent Second Life griefer attack, which I'm not going to directly link to or even cite, for a very obvious reason: A core motivation of Second Life griefers is to get Second Life users talking about them - on blogs, on social media, on bulletin boards, on Second Life itself.. They may not be aware of the 'ban/block/report tools' at their disposal, unless of course, they read informational blogs.. It's not the perfect solution, but it's the one least likely to make the problem worse.. While the PN are Type, Multiple-use name/avatar Virtual community Voluntary association.. Not to write about griefers? In general griefers these days don't care much about a little blog mentioning them, they just sit back and enjoy the group chat or make a little youtube video and get hundreds of hits.. It was happening right there and then, we didn't know exactly what was happening but there was a risk that it could spread to other sims.. Of course griefers only want attention, but sim owners only want help My blog was written DURING the attack, not days afterwards.. I wrote about griefers to help those under threat of griefers, just like you write about griefers now to tell people.. People were panicking and asking each other what to do I care more about helping the sim owners than if griefers are happy or not about getting attention.. 1 - This is still my go to Second Life clip It really embraces all of the weirdness SL has to offer It really embraces all of the weirdness SL has to offer Grave Misunderstandings.. Peaches n cream snoop dogg download I am a sim owner, I was worried about a possible attack as some claimed it was attacking the majority of the grid and I wanted help and tips, couldn't find them quickly, so I wrote some.